The Franz Group
Once you know and understand a certain process through practice, the next step would be to master it. Know that process inside and out and better than anyone else. Mastering it leads to maintaining or improving the process. Finally, maintaining the process leads to moving it on. Pass it on to someone else who can take it through the same 3 steps.
It’s been said that practice makes perfect, and I agree. No matter what profession you’re in, practicing can take you to the next level. For those in Accounting practicing may mean going over your AR Reserve multiple times, or working on month end entries or schedules to fully understand them. With all the software options available to us, we may need to practice downloading from one system and uploading to another. What does the system do when you create and receive PO’s? If you don’t know then practice on one.
Jared FranzWe use what we've learned through our experience in sports & implement them into our business. ArchivesCategories |